Poland today recorded another 23,000 new daily coronavirus cases and over 400 deaths.

Poland today recorded another 23,000 new daily coronavirus cases and over 400 deaths.
The digitisation minister also recently exposed illegal issuing of certificates.
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The health ministry purchased over 100,000 masks for 5 million zloty that failed to meet standards.
Marcin Czaplicki
Polska jako jedyna w UE oparła się kryzysowi po 2008—i tym razem ma szansę wyjść obronna ręką.
Marcin Czaplicki
Poland was the only EU country to avoid recession after 2008. Now it is forecast to again be among the economies least affected by the crisis.
Experts point to a milder winter, better air quality, fewer road deaths and less flu infections.
The “1000+” programme will cost an estimated 7 billion zloty this year.
Voters would have a choice between voting by post or in person at polling stations.
Hundreds of coal miners have been infected and 1,500 more quarantined, forcing three mines to close.
Donations have dried up many shelters have had to halt adoptions due to safety concerns.
Reduced air pollution may have prevented almost 800 premature deaths in April.
Further price rises will add to what is already one of the world’s highest levels of inflation.
Poland’s tough and early lockdown measures helped suppress the epidemic but also pushed its peak forward.
Maria Wilczek
Shopping centre owners, already squeezed by retailer-friendly regulations, are in a tough spot.