The PiS government cut funding for teaching German to the German minority by two thirds.

The PiS government cut funding for teaching German to the German minority by two thirds.
Slawa will “will focus on the common geostrategic goals of Ukraine and Poland” and “strengthening the ties between” them.
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The Polish foreign affairs ministry revealed that the US did not consult its NATO allies before deciding on the aid freeze.
Izabela’s death in 2021 sparked mass protests, with some blaming the tragedy on Poland’s near-total abortion ban and others suggesting medical malpractice.
Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.
Kaja Godek described homosexuality as a “perversion” that “often goes hand in hand with paedophilia”.
Meanwhile, one third of Poles believe that humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs.
The UN refugee agency has criticised the measure as a violation of international law.
As a result of the action, almost 400 proceedings have been launched to deport foreigners without the right to be in Poland.
Poland has been at the bottom of the ranking since 2019.
A new website is seeking to recruit and train an “Election Protection Movement”.
Poland’s score on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index fell for the sixth year in a row.
“Because of the proximity to the Polish border, they can be quickly returned there,” says Brandenburg’s interior minister.
Over 15,000 people applied for asylum in Poland in 2024, 72% more than a year earlier.