They argue that the EU’s Green Deal will “destroy” the Polish economy, causing particular harm to farmers and industrial workers.

They argue that the EU’s Green Deal will “destroy” the Polish economy, causing particular harm to farmers and industrial workers.
PiS has been hit by rebellions in its ranks in two regional assemblies, one of which it has lost control of as a result.
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A number of mayors have declared they will refuse to organise voting in their districts.
The opposition warns that the changes could invalidate elections.
Many MPs argued that today’s session should itself have been held remotely.
A new poll echoes previous ones showing PiS’s judicial reforms having more opponents than supporters.
Three new polls show a big majority in favour of postponement.
Daniel Tilles
Holding elections would risk both public health and the health of democracy.
The law would introduce state-funded abortion on demand, compulsory sex education, and prescription-free morning-after pills.
Marek Kępa
The uniquely Polish genre of dance music has made a dramatic comeback, including featuring prominently on public TV.
But he promised that the government would continue tackling “pathological” elements in the judiciary.
PiS leader asks members of ruling coalition to put aside “own ambitions” and “plans to expand their formations”.
Speeches at the unveiling blamed PiS for spreading hate against Adamowicz and presented him as a symbol of resistance to their “authoritarianism”.
PiS argues the money is need to compensate for declining revenues, but critics claim it will be used for government propaganda.