An investigation has been launched and the case will be reported to the police.

An investigation has been launched and the case will be reported to the police.
Aleks Szczerbiak
PiS is under pressure to repeat its local election success while PO is seeking to establish itself as Poland’s leading political force.
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Aleks Szczerbiak
Andrzej Duda remains the favourite, despite his new challenger’s energetic start.
The annual Rainbow Map is based on legal rights and social climate for LGBT people.
The ruling party’s deal with a rebel coalition partner has now effectively been endorsed by parliament.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Poland’s ruling camp is divided over holding presidential elections this weekend.
The government has begun organising a postal election, despite the relevant legislation not yet being passed.
The government’s desire to hold elections amid the pandemic, and the manner in which they have sought to do so, have drawn concern.
The Polish government argues the EU has no right to intervene and is “violating Poland’s sovereignty”.
We discuss the controversy over the presidential election and the possible collapse of the ruling coalition.
A dramatic day in parliament also saw the deputy PM quit and PiS initially lose a key vote.
Jarosław Gowin’s party will, however, remain in the government.
Maria Wilczek
In an exclusive interview, Poland’s top justice Małgorzata Gersdorf discusses how Poland’s courts can be fixed.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The government’s ratings are up, while debate rages over holding presidential elections.