The findings come amid an election campaign in which the opposition PiS party has made opposing the euro central to its platform.

The findings come amid an election campaign in which the opposition PiS party has made opposing the euro central to its platform.
It risks undermining the confidence of foreign investors as well as the “common values and interests” of Poland and the United States, said the ambassador.
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The firm says it was “deprived of the entire value of its investment” in Poland.
An average of 2,500 housing loan applications were made per day in Poland last month, as the economy rebounds from the pandemic.
The minister for state assets pledges that talks with unions will start tomorrow.
Żywiec collected 35,000 kegs of unused beer to produce biogas.
The CJEU ordered the mine to be closed last month, but Poland has not complied.
The government will raise the tax-free allowance on income, introduce new child benefits, and offer subsidies for homebuyers.
The share of non-EU citizens in employment in Poland last year was 78%, behind only the Czech Republic and Lithuania.
The Baltic Pipe is due to begin bringing Norwegian gas to Poland next year.
Orlen is responding to a court decision to suspend its purchase of hundreds of media outlets.
The new legislation is part of a push to reform Poland’s energy market.
The illegal operation sold fake invoices worth more than one billion zloty.
Poland has recorded the highest or second highest level of inflation among all EU member states in every month since March 2020.