Donald Tusk says Warsaw will seek “urgent consultations” with other countries affected by Germany’s decision.

Donald Tusk says Warsaw will seek “urgent consultations” with other countries affected by Germany’s decision.
The education ministry estimates that between 20,000 and 80,000 new Ukrainian pupils will now start attending school.
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Potential problems, however, may emerge in larger cities, said education minister Przemysław Czarnek.
The Jagiellonian University says it never guaranteed the refugees an 18-month stay in the dorms
But the language barrier is an issue, with only 5% of Ukrainian refugees declaring that they speak good Polish.
The human rights rapporteur paid tribute to Polish citizens for their solidarity and generosity.
The Polish Economic Institute estimates that government and private spending on Ukrainian refugees was €5.45 billion, nearly 1% of GDP.
Officials from both countries, as well as descendants of the Indian royal families and former child refugees, attended the “Commemoration of the Good Maharajas”.
Agnieszka Ścigaj says she will seek to tackle the issue “beyond Poland’s political divisions”.
Babbel last month made courses in English, German and Polish free for Ukrainian speakers in order to help refugees.
This is not the first time that “procedures were exploited [by asylum seekers] to travel illegally to the West”, says the border guard.
James Jackson
The tournament offers the kids a day of relief from the crisis.
Anna Rzhevkina
The new arrivals could provide an economic boost, but their talents should not be wasted.
Free public transport for refugees and payments to households that host them are being withdrawn.