Aleks Szczerbiak
PiS exceeded expectations while Tusk was left disappointed. But little has changed since October.

Aleks Szczerbiak
PiS exceeded expectations while Tusk was left disappointed. But little has changed since October.
But he warns this could only happen by changing the constitution.
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Ten people have been indicted for their role in the alleged scheme, including leading figures in the local Red Cross.
The church has recorded the biggest drop in trust since 2017.
A number of Polish localities have declared themselves “free from LGBT ideology”, something activist Bart Staszewski has sought to highlight.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Could legal chaos impact on this year’s crucial presidential elections?
Anna Wójcik
Though consistent and seemingly convincing, the government’s justifications for its judicial changes are misleading and often false.
Poles have the most positive views towards Trump and the US among all European countries.
The Venice Commission has also arrived in Warsaw to prepare an “urgent opinion”
Some in PiS are “conscious allies” in Putin’s “project to disintegrate the EU and Nato”, says Tusk.
The resolution warns of “attacks against the LGBTI community in Poland, including growing hate speech by elected officials and public media”.
Wojciech Kość
Both supporters and critics are wrong – or at least premature – in their interpretation of Poland’s exemption from EU climate goals.
PiS claims the measures will prevent abuse of power, but one judge one says they are are akin to “the imposition of martial law in the judiciary”.
Aleks Szczerbiak
Poland’s ruling party faces fresh political and economic challenges in its second term of office.