She is also facing disciplinary proceedings.

She is also facing disciplinary proceedings.
“Poland will become one big megalopolis,” said the prime minister.
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The Polish government says the remarks evoke painful memories of World War Two.
The announcement ends months of tension within the ruling coalition.
The city authorities says they are simply enforcing the secular state in accordance with the constitution.
Ardanowski warned of “ideologies that say milk is the effect of cows being raped…and humans steal honey from bees”.
A minority government or early elections are possible.
The Supreme Court says decisions should be made individually, based on people’s record under communism.
Anna Gielewska
PiS “doesn’t have the competence to make Poland into an authoritarian regime”.
The former prime minister also advised on how the opposition should approach the next elections.
PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński previously promised to raise the minimum wage to 3,000 zloty before 2021.
Aleks Szczerbiak
PiS controls the levers of state power, but Duda could also carve out a more independent role.
The statute of limitations for some communist crime cases had been to expire next month.
The PiS leader also signed a bill aiming to address the gender wage gap.