Almost 520,000 people died in Poland last year.

Almost 520,000 people died in Poland last year.
They are accused of charging between 100 and 1,000 zloty to around 100 people for fake documents, and could face prison sentences of one to 10 years.
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The system will offer a package of between 8 and 12 test types tailored to each patient.
They are the latest business owners to successfully challenge Poland’s coronavirus restrictions.
A million calls will be made, at first to those who have previously declared an interest in vaccination.
The number of new infections was also the lowest since March last year.
“We have to take care of the citizens of our country,” says the health minister.
Fully vaccinated people are not included in attendance limits at swimming pools.
“Participation is not only an obligation, but also a loving meeting with Jesus Christ, the doctor of our souls and bodies.”
Poland has dealt with several outbreaks of the Delta variant, Niedzielski said.
Limits on attendance of cinemas, theatres and stadiums will also be eased.
Delivery delays and low public interest have reduced take-up of the jabs.
A court has previously found that Morawiecki unlawfully tried to organise postal elections, and the state auditor notified prosecutors of a crime.
Aleks Szczerbiak
A continuing crisis could undercut the government’s recovery plans and exacerbate tensions in the ruling camp.