In response, Prime Minister Donald Tusk accused Jarosław Kaczyński of using similar rhetoric to Putin.

In response, Prime Minister Donald Tusk accused Jarosław Kaczyński of using similar rhetoric to Putin.
His remarks were also criticised by Polish politicians, one of whom called for the ambassador to be expelled.
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As Poland’s two top courts reject the legitimacy of each other’s rulings, the dispute threatens further legal chaos.
TVP accuses TVN of promoting lies and of connections to the former communist regime.
An independent candidate has also sued the state for denying him his electoral rights.
Mikołaj Małecki
Without declaring a state of natural disaster, the government’s restrictions are not legally justified.
Some countries, including the UK, US and Germany, “expressly did not agree to the organisation of elections by in-person voting”.
The epidemic has highlighted “the importance of nation states”, says the ruling party’s leader.
Legislation that could criminalise sex education is also on the parliamentary agenda.
The government’s desire to hold elections amid the pandemic, and the manner in which they have sought to do so, have drawn concern.
Jarosław Kaczyński and others have paid tribute to those who died in the air disaster.
Firms will receive preferential loans and non-refundable subsidies as long as they agree not to lay off any workers.
The Polish government argues the EU has no right to intervene and is “violating Poland’s sovereignty”.
We discuss the controversy over the presidential election and the possible collapse of the ruling coalition.