The head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe confirmed that Romanowski enjoys immunity as a member of the assembly.

The head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe confirmed that Romanowski enjoys immunity as a member of the assembly.
Prosecutors say that his immunity as a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe does not cover this case.
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The date coincides with the end of Poland’s current long-term supply contract with Russia’s Gazprom.
“We must stop aggressive hybrid actions carried out according to a script written in Minsk,” says the PM
But some questioned in previous record on LGBT rights.
A lawyer tells us what the new legislation, which Israel has called “antisemitic”, means in practice.
The group reportedly included a leading figure in an NGO accused by Polish prosecutors of laundering Russian money.
Andrzej Duda expressed Poland’s support for Moldova’s move “towards Europe”.
The government-funded exhibition features an artist linked to neo-Nazis.
Two leaders of the ethnic Polish community in Belarus have been detained since March, despite not yet facing charges.
“We will of course provide them with support here,” says the prime minister.
But Zbigniew Ziobro pledged to continue “far-reaching reform that will not please EU bureaucrats”.
The findings come amid a recent rise in the number of people seeking to cross the border from Belarus into Poland.
The group is reportedly seeking asylum in Poland.