The dog has been taken into the care of border guards after the Belarusian authorities did not take it back.

The dog has been taken into the care of border guards after the Belarusian authorities did not take it back.
This was “not an isolated case”, noted the environment ministry after a film showed a horse collapsing and then being hit by the coachman.
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Owners can hand over the animals anonymously and safely with “no questions asked”.
The mayor allegedly tried to cover up the crime by claiming to have found the carcass by chance.
Despite Poland having the third largest number of pets in Europe, it has far fewer crematoriums than its much smaller neighbours.
A pack of wolves has settled in a national park just 20 kilometres from the centre of Warsaw.
If the results of the experiment are positive, the zoo intends to try the treatment on other animals.
Local authorities have failed to cull, catch or scare away the Polish city’s porcine peril.
Closing forests and other lockdown measures have seen animals reemerge.
Wildlife photographer Exen captures the beauty of the animals of the Białowieża Forest.