The minister published a tweet noting that the doctor had prescribed himself mental-health medication.

The minister published a tweet noting that the doctor had prescribed himself mental-health medication.
The charges are believed to relate to the fire that this month destroyed Warsaw’s largest shopping centre.
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Schools must “teach the historical truth” that Wałęsa was both leader of the anti-communist Solidarity movement and a communist agent, says the minister.
Słubice and Frankfurt (Oder) hosted the event.
Russian has accused Warsaw of “putting pressure on Minsk, and in fact, dictating its behaviour.”
It aims to increase awareness of equality issues, support women in their academic careers, and improve the gender balance in various disciplines.
Trams last ran through Cieszyn and Český Těšín a century ago.
Poland was the British retailers largest market in central Europe.
The health minister has replaced what some doctors complained was an “obsolete” system.
They were killed during the defence of Westerplatte, as the German invasion began.
Malta, Romania and Albania have been added to the list, but China and Russia are removed.
Poland’s antitrust regulation recently issued its largest possible fine against Gazprom.
The city’s mayor is facing criticism from left and right.
Poland’s Catholic episcopate has adopted an official position on LGBT.