The CEO of the firm has been charged and could face up to ten years in jail.

The CEO of the firm has been charged and could face up to ten years in jail.
Over half the foreign prisoners are Ukrainians, with the next biggest numbers from Georgia and Belarus.
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Polish forces were stationed in Afghanistan from 2002 until this year.
The cart works like an electric-assist bicycle, helping horses on the way up and recharging on the way down.
Małopolska has declared itself opposed to “LGBT ideology”.
Poland recorded a GDP growth of 10.7% year-on-year in the second quarter.
Trips must relate to the Polish underground state, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, culture and national heritage, or Polish scientific achievements.
Mateusz Morawiecki says he “invites specialists from our American partners to analyse what we are talking about here”.
The aim is to create a growing database of burial sites in Poland and the wider region.
Residents can request to be picked up at a specific time and place using a mobile app or by calling a dispatcher.
Jewish groups argue that the legislation would particularly impact Holocaust survivors.
The bill is seen to be aimed in particular at American-owned broadcaster TVN.
If no paper is available, dry moss offers an alternative.
The project will be run by the state Institute of National Remembrance (IPN).