Human-induced climate change is responsible doubling the likelihood of extreme rainfall and for a 7% increase in their intensity.

Human-induced climate change is responsible doubling the likelihood of extreme rainfall and for a 7% increase in their intensity.
The idea caused disagreement among Polish MEPs, with right-wing politicians criticising left-wing ones for voting against it.
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The presidents-in-exile “preserved the idea of an independent, sovereign, free state” and “deserve a symbolic memorial in free Poland”.
“No one will be able to ignore what Poles have done, how much they have mobilised, how much they have helped by giving [refugees] a roof over their heads and a meal.”
The Tartan Army Children’s Charity donated 25,000 zloty (€5,250) to a Polish foundation running a centre for Ukrainian refugees in Kraków.
The decision came after Germany took control of a refinery majority owned by Russian oil giant Rosneft, something Poland had demanded.
“If there is no such money, we will go to court…Our lawyers are working on this,” says a deputy minister.
Government funding was ended by the national-conservative Law and Justice party after it came to power in 2015.
“It is Germany’s intention for us to be subject to them. We do not want to be under anyone’s boot. We have to resist it.”
The Baltic Pipe, due to open this week, will be able to transport up to twice as much gas as planned from Norway to Poland this year.
A separate nationalist protest against the “Ukrainisation of Poland” in Warsaw drew only a small crowd.
“Europe is becoming a Europe of real values,” says Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki
“These are people who may be dangerous to our country,” says a spokesman for Poland’s security services.
“We will not disburse any money…[until] they do the reforms agreed upon,” Ursula von der Leyen said of Poland.