It is the first Polish documentary to win the award.

It is the first Polish documentary to win the award.
Such 100-mon coins were produced in Japan in the period 1835-1870.
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The reporter who conducted the interview, however, denies the claim.
During the Volhynia massacres, Ukrainian nationalists murdered up to 100,000 ethnic Poles.
The heads of Poland’s Catholic Church and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church signed a joint declaration on the Volhynia massacres.
“Homosexuals much more often molest children” was among the slogans displayed on the van.
The European Court of Human Rights ordered Poland to pay judge Igor Tuleya €30,000 in compensation.
The meeting went ahead anyway, with empty chairs left to represent the missing parties.
The designs were prepared by the firm of world-renowned British architect Sir Norman Foster.
The measure was intended to stop online “prescription factories”, but some elderly patients have been left without medicines
The European Commission found that Poland has made no progress on six of its seven rule-of-law recommendations from last year.
The tracks were discovered at the wartime headquarters of Nazi Germany’s military high command, located in what is now Poland.
“We have supplies for a few days, and what happens after that, I don’t know,” said the head of paediatrics at one hospital.
The memorial was revealed on the 80th anniversary of Władysław Sikorski’s death in a plane crash that remains unexplained.