The measures include allowing the government to temporarily suspend the right to claim asylum.

The measures include allowing the government to temporarily suspend the right to claim asylum.
“Stop speculating in any world capital about a possible defeat of Ukraine,” said the Polish prime minister.
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Law and Justice (PiS): 35.38%; Civic Coalition (KO): 30.70%; Third Way (Trzecia Droga): 14.40%; The Left (Lewica): 8.61%; Confederation (Konfederacja): 7.16%.
Poland’s stock market recorded its strongest post-election opening.
“I rule out a coalition with PiS,” says the leader of the Polish People’s Party (PSL).
Only 40% voted in the referendum, according to the exit poll, below the 50% threshold for it to be valid.
PiS won 37% and has lost its majority, according to the exit poll.
A referendum is taking place alongside today’s parliamentary elections.
Participants held signs saying “End the Holocaust of Palestinians”, “Ghetto Gaza” and “Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Palestine”.
The area around the Smolensk memorial on Piłsudski Square has been closed by police.
“I will not hide from you that we are really very worried about the deadlines for counting votes,” says Łukasz Jasina.
The electoral commission says this is due to the unusually large number of applications.
The ruling party has accused the opposition of wanting to stoke civil unrest by questioning the election results if it loses.
It is four times more than before the last general election in 2019 and the number can still rise.