Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.

Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.
Radosław Sikorski stressed that “we, as Europeans, will continue to stand side by side with Ukraine to achieve a just and lasting peace”.
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The Polish defence budget, at 4.12% of GDP, is the highest among NATO countries and more than double the alliance’s guideline of 2%.
The measures would remove criminal liability for the use of weapons when officers are acting in self-defence or repelling “attacks on the border”.
German police says officers acted after establishing that the people in question were Afghans with refugee status in Poland.
A deputy defence minister assures that Patriot air defence systems will continue to “defend the Polish sky”.
Michał Piekarski
What’s behind a surge in attempted migrant crossings and violence towards Polish officers?
The facility will “promote accurate reporting of Russia’s full-scale invasion, amplify Ukrainian voices and expose Kremlin information manipulation”.
Unauthorised people will not be allowed to be within 200 metres of the border in some places, and up to 2km in others.
Yesterday a soldier died after being stabbed while attempting to stop migrants from crossing.
He was attacked with a knife while trying to stop a group of migrants from forcing their way across the border from Belarus.
The defence minister called the charges “unacceptable”.
“Our teams in Poland will strengthen Boeing’s efforts to innovate and compete,” says the firm’s chief engineer.
“We are the victim of the largest hybrid attack against our country in several decades. This is one of the fronts of this war.”