A priest has apologised after teaching during a school lesson that homosexuality is an “illness” that can be “treated” with electroshock therapy and surgical removal of reproductive organs. His words have been condemned by LGBT groups, but a deputy government minister defended the priest for presenting “the teachings of the church”.
The incident took place during a religion class at a public school in Limanowa, south of Kraków. Such lessons are hosted and funded by the state, but with teachers and curriculums chosen by the Catholic church. The classes are optional, but most children attend.
During his presentation, the priest described homosexuality as an “illness…caused by hormones, impaired development, or mistreatment of a child in the early stages of development”. Other causes include “sexual abuse, seduction by an adult homosexual, and unsuccessful experiences with women”.
He then outlined ways in which homosexuality could be “treated”. This included “electroshock therapy”, “behavioural methods” (such as by “associating sexual stimuli with pain”), “surgical procedures” (such as hysterectomies, clitoridectomies and vasectomies), medical drugs and “reparative therapy”.
The slides from the lesson, which took place online due to the closure of schools during the pandemic, were shared by blogger Klaudia Szubert, who had been sent them by a contact at the school.
Other parts of the presentation included information on marital sin. The priest claimed that contraception, IVF and surrogate mothers violate the teaching of the Sixth Commandment, which forbids adultery. He added that homosexual intercourse was sinful because it cannot lead to procreation.
The images were widely condemned by LGBT groups and politicians among Poland’s left-wing and liberal opposition.
“Homosexuality is not a disorder or a disease,” tweeted Robert Biedroń, one of the leaders of The Left (Lewica) and himself gay. “Hatred is a disease, and it is a disorder to persuade others to be intolerant towards minorities.”
Zastanawialiście się kiedyś jak wygląda lekcja religii w liceum?🧐
Homoseksualizm nie jest żadnym zaburzeniem ani chorobą. Chorobą jest nienawiść, a zaburzeniem nakłanianie innych do braku tolerancji w stosunku do mniejszości! pic.twitter.com/cez2O3ObUP
— Robert Biedroń (@RobertBiedron) May 1, 2021
“This ‘presentation’ is an example of harmful indoctrination,” Magdalena Dropek, from the Fundacja Równość equality NGO, told Gazeta Wyborcza. “[It is] another example confirming that reliable sex education is needed in schools.”
However, the priest received support from a deputy minister in Poland’s national-conservative government, which is supportive of the Catholic church and has led a campaign against what it calls “LGBT ideology”.
This is “the latest attack by left-wing groups on a priest who is teaching in accordance with the teachings of the church”, wrote Edward Siarka, a deputy environment minister. “Defending Christian values is at odds with gender ideology. The church cannot succumb to the lobby of anti-clerical groups. It must be faithful to the Gospel.”
Kolejny atak środowisk lewicowych na duszpasterzy, którzy nauczają zgodnie z nauką Kościoła.
Obrona wartości chrześcijańskich kłóci się z ideologią gender.
Kościół nie może ulegać lobby środowisk antyklerykalnych. Musi być wierny głoszonej Ewangelii.https://t.co/97kDN11f2t— Edward Siarka (@ESiarka) April 30, 2021
However, following the outcry, the priest himself issued a statement apologising for the class – though for the manner in which it was taught rather than the content itself.
“My goal was not to hurt or offend anyone, but to present the teaching of the Church,” he wrote. “Due to the method of remote teaching, I was not able to meet with you and explain the presented content and discuss it by answering questions and doubts.”
“This was my mistake, because such difficult topics should not be presented without discussion and thorough explanation, which could lead to an interpretation that is not in line with my intentions,” he continued. “I apologise to those who may have felt affected by the presentation…I respect every person, regardless of orientation.”
The high school says it has informed the regional board of education about the situation, reports Wirtualna Polska. However, the head of the school board, Barbara Nowak, has said that no complaint has been received so far about the priest’s behaviour.
Nowak, a government appointee, is herself known for her anti-LGBT views. She has linked homosexuality with paedophilia and strongly opposed the annual “Rainbow Friday” initiative in support of LGBT rights in schools.
Last year, Poland’s Catholic episcopate adopted an official “position on the question of LGBT+”. While emphasising that LGBT people deserve respect, the bishops also called for the creation of “clinics to help people who want to regain their…natural sexual orientation”.
Main image credit: Klaudia Szubert/Facebook

Juliette Bretan is a freelance journalist covering Polish and Eastern European current affairs and culture. Her work has featured on the BBC World Service, and in CityMetric, The Independent, Ozy, New Eastern Europe and Culture.pl.