Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.

Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.
He was speaking after an emergency meeting with European and NATO leaders about transatlantic relations and Europe’s role in the Ukraine conflict.
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The deal will make Poland the second largest user of these helicopters in the world, after only the US itself.
It follows a media report that he showed bias in recruitment and was accused of homophobic and racist behaviour.
Opposition MPs, however, claim to have confirmed that the cuts were proposed by the defence ministry.
In both cases, Olaf Scholz did not provide details of what these measures would involve in practice.
It is the second such loan to Poland under the Foreign Military Financing programme.
“This is a hybrid action against Western civilisation. It would be very good if our allies took responsibility for border security.”
Poland is set to purchase a further 180 K2 Black Panther tanks from South Korea.
The Polish defence budget, at 4.12% of GDP, is the highest among NATO countries and more than double the alliance’s guideline of 2%.
A deputy defence minister assures that Patriot air defence systems will continue to “defend the Polish sky”.
The project will include bunkers, minefields and anti-tank obstacles, as well as satellite monitoring, thermal imaging cameras and anti-drone systems.
“From nurseries to senior citizens, everyone must be ready for different challenges,” says the defence minister.
“If we will be strong, we will be safe,” said Tusk.