Using a special app, parishioners can access the space 24 hours a day to pray, meet with others, and even chat with an AI assistant.

Using a special app, parishioners can access the space 24 hours a day to pray, meet with others, and even chat with an AI assistant.
As examples, it lists the alleged mistreatment of prisoners and efforts to expand abortion rights.
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Poles’ trust in all institutions has declined since last year, with the police seeing the largest fall.
The bishop asked for forgiveness and apologised “if I have offended anyone or neglected anything”.
Wrocław, Poland’s third-largest city, spends millions of zloty a year on religion classes even though now only a minority of pupils attend them.
That is down from 88% in the last census a decade earlier, while the proportion saying they belong to no faith rose from 2.4% to 6.9%.
Media reports claim that the prostitute lost consciousness and was initially denied medical assistance.
The education ministry has refused to comment, noting that school religion classes are the sole responsibility of the church.
The Ulma family “represented a ray of light in the darkness of the Second World War”, said Pope Francis.
The church’s position – which is contradicted by leading medical bodies – has been rejected by reproductive rights organisations in Poland.
Media linked to the conservative ruling party have blamed an opposition politician for launching a “witch hunt” against the priest.
Among its proposals are ending catechism classes in public schools and renegotiating the concordat between Poland and the Vatican.
The church marks the feast day of St Christopher – patron saint of transport and travel – with a road-safety campaign.
The priest says he wanted to reduce energy bills and follow Pope Francis’ call for a greener lifestyle.