“We have a large army – the third largest in NATO in terms of numbers – but we must also have a resilient society,” says the defence minister.
Carp in the bath, hay on the table and Home Alone: the most unusual Polish Christmas traditions
Agata Pyka and Richard Greenhill
From talking animals to Macauley Culkin, here are seven of Poland’s most interesting Christmas traditions.
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Poland labels pharmacies providing morning-after pill without doctor’s prescription
The government is circumventing a presidential veto on prescription-free access to emergency contraception.
Automatic lifetime ban for repeat drink drivers unconstitutional, rules Polish constitutional court
Judges found that the measures unjustly restrict the discretion of courts to decide on a punishment for a crime.
Poland sees largest annual fall in favorable views of EU
Despite the decline, Poland still remains the country with the largest share of positive views of EU, at 76%.
Polish mountain park completes test of bus that could replace overworked horses
The programme was run as part of an agreement with animal rights groups following a recent case of a horse collapsing.
Kraków looks abroad as student numbers fall by 40% in a decade
The Polish city is famous for its universities, in particular the 660-year-old Jagiellonian.
Sculpture in Japan commemorates Polish orphans rescued from Russia
Hundreds of Polish children were evacuated from Siberia and received temporary shelter and care in Japan.
Fact-check: czy Holandia zamierza wysyłać Polkom tabletki aborcyjne?
Agata Pyka
Wbrew doniesieniom polskich mediów, holenderski parlament nie przyjął takich przepisów.
Fact-check: is the Netherlands going to send abortion pills to women in Poland?
Agata Pyka
Contrary to Polish media reports, the Dutch parliament did not pass any such new law
President vetoes law recognising Silesian as regional language in Poland
Andrzej Duda argued that Silesian is a dialect of Polish and not a language in itself. He also cited national security concerns.
Polish city replaces infamous escalators that have been closed for six years
The non-moving stairs, which greeted visitors arriving at Kraków’s train and bus station, had become a widely mocked symbol of the city’s failings.
Religious belief and practice fall to new lows in Poland
But a large majority still identify both as believers (87%) and as belonging to Poland’s dominant Roman Catholic faith (89%).
Paganism in Poland: Native Faith on the rise
Katarzyna Skiba
A small but growing number of Poles are reviving and reimagining ancient beliefs.