Almost 90% of politicians appearing on TVP’s main evening news discussion show were from the ruling coalition.

Almost 90% of politicians appearing on TVP’s main evening news discussion show were from the ruling coalition.
Daniel Tilles
This was not a victory against the right.
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“That is how the Soviet system looked: fictional independence when in actual fact there was dependence, exploitation and neo-colonialism.”
Szymon Ananicz and Piotr Buras
It has misled the public about the proposed rule-of-law mechanism.
“Without funds, we are left in the dark,” say the mayors.
The judge is accused of making a 1982 ruling “in line with the repressive policies” of the regime.
The law would extend a privilege already available to foreign businesses.
Women’s Strike says the decision is an attempt to “repress” them.
This “does not reflect our values”, says the French supermarket giant.
The current law defines an act as rape only if there is force, unlawful threats or deception
The archbishop of Kraków also identified Berlin and New York as “important centres” trying to “force LGBT ideology” on Poland.
Stanley Bill speaks with Paweł Jabłoński.
“When we entered the European Union, we agreed on certain rules of the game,” said Michał Wójcik.
Young people are “bombarded with consumerism channelled towards building a career” and need an “alternative”, says a minister.