“Poland will become one big megalopolis,” said the prime minister.

“Poland will become one big megalopolis,” said the prime minister.
“Captain Witold Pilecki, Father Maksymilian Kolbe and the Ulma family should be restored immediately,” says Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz.
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Some legal experts say this could violate EU law.
The fund is worth €58 billion to Poland.
Civic Platform has unveiled a foreign policy strategy.
Andrzej Duda repeated calls for a “just transition”.
The company confirmed this week that counterfeits were identified in Poland and Mexico.
The case is raising criticism about the inaction of the EU.
He wants to ensure that “some message about the values system will reach young people”.
This is “an act of historical justice”, says President Duda.
It has fallen every year since 2015, when it reached its highest ever position.
Poland already has the lowest unemployment rate in the EU.
Participants called for the government to be put on trial and businesses to reopen.
The education minister announced plans to make biblical studies an academic discipline.