Under the new rules, publishers would be able to seek the state’s help in negotiations with big tech firms.

Under the new rules, publishers would be able to seek the state’s help in negotiations with big tech firms.
The aim is to undo what the current government sees as the politicisation and corruption of the court by the former PiS administration.
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“The Polish border is sealed. Belarusian authorities told you lies,” reads an SMS sent automatically to those reaching the border.
Over 15,200 people died in hospital emergency departments in Poland last year, continuing a rapid rise since 2015, when the figure was 6,007.
Four out of five provinces have now withdrawn their declarations.
The interior minister has called for the state of emergency at the border to be extended.
“We are here to fight for freedom, to fight against sanitary segregation,” said its leader.
The CEO of the planned airport says it is a “a well-thought-out investment, profitable for the Polish economy”.
NGOs agree that Belarus is facilitating their passage, but argue that many are genuine refugees illegitimately denied entry to Poland.
“Poland is not paying any fines at this stage,” says the country’s Europe minister amid an escalating dispute over Turów coal mine.
The Polish president and prime minister this week both criticised the project.
But the future of TVN still remains in doubt as parliament considers legislation to restrict foreign media ownership.
The province replaced it with a declaration pledging to “oppose all forms of discrimination”.
Last week a far-right MP told Adam Niedzielski “you will hang”.