The decision has exposed the government’s “thuggish methods”, says the politician.

The decision has exposed the government’s “thuggish methods”, says the politician.
The judgment was rejected as non-binding by the justice minister on the basis that it was issued by illegitimately appointed judges.
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Aleks Szczerbiak
The electoral system favours consolidation, but there are big obstacles in the way of a single opposition bloc.
Potential problems, however, may emerge in larger cities, said education minister Przemysław Czarnek.
“I get the impression that this is not about the rule of law,” said Małgorzata Manowska.
Igor Tuleya returned to court this morning after being suspended for almost two years, but discovered that he remained barred from work.
Kaczyński also warned that there is a “German-Russian plan to rule over Europe” and suggested that the opposition is working under “foreign orders” to “enslave Poland”.
Krzysztof Mularczyk
Poland has staked a huge amount on Ukraine holding its own in this war.
The pandemic has increased empty office and retail space while Poland has a large housing deficit, notes the development ministry.
“Sentencing journalists to prison terms is a violation of human rights and international standards,” the ministry said.
“The most important thing is that Polish families suffer as little as possible in this crisis.”
The prime minister warned that any attempts to obstruct access to the programme by banks will be penalised.
The drag queen’s performance involved scissors, fake blood and an inflatable doll featuring the image of a bishop who had made anti-LGBT statements.
And the majority of those are likely to have taken place in the 27 days before the new rules came into force in late January.