The rebound followed a period of slow growth in 2023, when GDP expanded by just 0.1%.

The rebound followed a period of slow growth in 2023, when GDP expanded by just 0.1%.
Grzegorz Braun shouted remarks including “let’s pray for the victims of the Jewish genocide in Gaza”.
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Politicians from both the ruling coalition and opposition have criticised the actions of military police and prosecutors.
The city has launched a website allowing people to check if their car is among those that will now be barred.
Marcin Romanowski is accused of offences including participation in an organised criminal group.
The Polish defence budget, at 4.12% of GDP, is the highest among NATO countries and more than double the alliance’s guideline of 2%.
Almost 50 cases of fentanyl poisoning have been recorded in Poland so far this year.
Last month the government decreed that healthcare providers who receive public funds are obliged to offer abortions.
The measures would remove criminal liability for the use of weapons when officers are acting in self-defence or repelling “attacks on the border”.
They criticised the government’s plans to liberalise the abortion law, introduce same-sex civil partnerships and expand hate-speech rules.
German police says officers acted after establishing that the people in question were Afghans with refugee status in Poland.
The government wants to create “a state that is equal for everyone and excludes no one”, said the deputy prime minister.
The measures will “interfere with basic constitutional freedoms” and “impede the provision of humanitarian, medical and legal assistance” to migrants.
“Pigs have more protection than Polish workers,” said the left-wing labour minister.