The newspaper’s editor likened the ruling to actions taken against the press in Turkey and Belarus.

The newspaper’s editor likened the ruling to actions taken against the press in Turkey and Belarus.
The money was intended to be used to buy power generators for Ukraine.
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News of the allegedly political appointments has been met with criticism not only from the opposition but also from within the ruling camp.
Using a special app, parishioners can access the space 24 hours a day to pray, meet with others, and even chat with an AI assistant.
The speaker of parliament called the product “pure evil”.
Frank Gardner, the BBC’s security correspondent, was on a short-haul flight from Warsaw to London.
The vast majority of those foreign mothers, over 81%, are from Ukraine.
The incident left the police chief hospitalised and blew a hole in the floor of his office.
The conflict reportedly centres around the new wife of billionaire Zygmunt Solorz, one of Poland’s richest people.
Andrzej Duda called suggested that fellow Poles who visited the cinema to watch the film Green Border are “swine”.
An official from a nearby national park notes that such a sight is rare in natural environments, let alone in urban ones.
The judge argued that the woman had “an interest in portraying herself as a victim” to gain compensation and media attention.
The decision has exposed the government’s “thuggish methods”, says the politician.
The judgment was rejected as non-binding by the justice minister on the basis that it was issued by illegitimately appointed judges.