The figures come amid controversy in Poland over the return of migrants from Germany.

The figures come amid controversy in Poland over the return of migrants from Germany.
The suffering of Poles under German-Nazi occupation is “still not well known” among Germans today, says the government.
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The government accuses the ECJ of “exceeding its competences”.
He ensured that textbooks would be checked to ensure they are free from “ideological content”.
The site was discovered in the 1990s, but only now probed with modern technology.
Common toads are waking from their winter sleep and setting off towards ponds.
“We have a chance to rethink Europe’s identity,” says Salvini.
The government is abandoning the existing schedule to offer a more “flexible approach”.
Confederation has been a prominent supporter of anti-lockdown protests.
There will be exceptions for vaccinated people, as well as some transport drivers and students.
Some opposition figures have criticised the decision not to introduce tougher restrictions.
Eastern member states have complained about “dual quality” of branded products sold across the EU.
They showed “negligence in cases of sexual abuse committed by clergy against minors”.
Poland’s positive test rate is the worst among all countries included.