One of the side effects of the migration crisis on the Belarus border has been a major decline in the number of cigarettes being smuggled into Poland.

One of the side effects of the migration crisis on the Belarus border has been a major decline in the number of cigarettes being smuggled into Poland.
Meanwhile, one third of Poles believe that humans lived at the same time as dinosaurs.
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Witkacy began to write the work in 1938 but it remained unfinished at the time of his death by suicide in 1939.
However, the current government does not recognise the legitimacy of many TK judges, including some of those who issued yesterday’s ruling.
Ahead of the elections, the head of the opposition’s caucus had called on the government to resign if Trump returned to the White House.
Both men have admitted to the crimes they are accused of and could face up to ten years in prison.
Krzysztof Gawkowski also called on the Ukrainian president to stop “pestering” Poland for more support.
Eisenberg’s ancestors were Jews from Poland.
Jolanta Brzeska fought for the rights of evicted tenants in Warsaw.
“The Warsaw Uprising Mound innovatively integrates the area’s history to create a public space that combines memory, leisure and ecology.”
The foreign minister revealed the plan shorty after Volodymyr Zelensky appeared to criticise Poland for not providing enough support.
Collegium Intermarius claims it is being deliberately “destroyed” by the new government.
It is the first time in almost a century that a new work by Chopin, who died in 1849, has been discovered.
“The incidents revealed by the commission testify to the deliberate weakening of Poland’s security,” said its head.