The accused, Michał K., is reportedly in hiding in northern Cyprus.

The accused, Michał K., is reportedly in hiding in northern Cyprus.
Adam G., who denies the allegations, faces up to eight years in prison.
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Almost 520,000 people died in Poland last year.
They are accused of charging between 100 and 1,000 zloty to around 100 people for fake documents, and could face prison sentences of one to 10 years.
Discounters Lidl and Aldi have become the first to announce price drops in response to the government’s “anti-inflation shield”.
The group is accused of helping people cross from Belarus then reach western Europe, with millions of euros changing hands.
“We must reject everyone who is trying to destroy Poland, collaborating closely with our external enemies,” warns the PiS chairman.
The Solidarity trade union blames soaring energy prices on the EU and the opposition, which in turns blames the government.
NIK said the government project lacks business justification and has unrealistic assumptions in its timeline and budget.
The government says it will press ahead with its “Freedom Act”, intended to guarantee free speech on the internet.
Almost 1.8 million entries relating to the Polish armed forces equipment reportedly leaked online.
They expressed frustration at the “growing tolerance” for Covid deniers and anti-vaccine sentiment.
Critics say the aim is to further the national-conservative ruling party’s ideological influence over schools.
Employees will get 1,000 zloty (€441) for being fully vaccinated and the same again once they receive a booster.