Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.

Recruits were hired on Telegram and paid to carry out tasks including painting vulgar slogans against the then ruling PiS party.
Humpback whales are extremely rare in the Baltic Sea.
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The legislation would also introduce an additional trading Sunday in December.
The government is likely to ignore the ruling as it regards the court as an unlawful body in its current form.
Ukraine has indicated there are “no obstacles” to exhumations taking place and that it will “positively consider” requests.
France is also opposed to the agreement with South American countries.
It is the first Polish documentary to win the award.
Such 100-mon coins were produced in Japan in the period 1835-1870.
They are protesting against a proposed EU free trade deal with South America and a Polish agricultural tax.
The Swedish firm’s factory in Gdańsk, which only opened last year, had initially been planned to be the biggest in Europe.
Karol Nawrocki, the head of the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), is a relatively little known figure.
Warsaw mayor Trzaskowski is regarded as representing the more socially liberal wing of the centrist Civic Platform (PO).
But the justice minister says the ruling is itself invalid.
Former justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro is undergoing treatment for cancer.