Poland was one of seven member states placed under the EU’s excessive deficit procedure this year.

Poland was one of seven member states placed under the EU’s excessive deficit procedure this year.
Orlen is Poland’s largest company, and also one of the biggest in Europe.
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The massacres in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia – and the remains of victims – have long been a source of tension between Poland and Ukraine.
Over half the cost of the investment has been covered by EU funds.
Three years ago, the figure was 44%.
OECD data show that Poland’s average wages relative to cost of living have surpassed Portugal and are behind Spain and Japan.
It is not known when the stadium – which is the largest in Poland – will be able to resume operations.
Jarosław Kaczyński, the head of Poland’s ruling party, renewed his criticism of the LGBT community.
“The livestock sector is a ticking bomb, both social and environmental,” says MEP Sylwia Spurek.
The man took part in widespread demonstrations against the communist regime in August 1982.
The head of the football association says he was unaware that the employee is on trial.
The event, which is organised by far-right groups but also attended by mainstream conservatives, passed peacefully.
Between 2008 and 2020 Poland went from having the EU’s sixth highest to second lowest level of child deprivation.
The event, which is organised by three far-right groups, often draws over 100,000 participants.