The trio called on Georgia to “reverse course” and “repeal recent legislation that runs counter to European values”.

The trio called on Georgia to “reverse course” and “repeal recent legislation that runs counter to European values”.
Poland, which is seeking to develop its first nuclear power stations, hopes Japan can help it “build nuclear skills and competences”.
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The report notes concerns over the rule of law, free speech, the treatment of migrants and ethnic minorities, LGBT rights, and access to sexual and reproductive health services.
“Of course, [when] speaking with Israel, we shared our experiences in this area to some extent.”
Positive sentiment towards Americans, Ukrainians and the English has risen.
Donald Tusk named the policy “granny payments” because grandmothers often care for children while mothers work.
The nuclear small modular reactors (SMRs) being developed by the group will be deployed in Poland by state energy firm Orlen.
Most Poles (70%) say their financial situation has deteriorated over the last year, compared to 50% who said the same a year ago.
“Make me wet”, “I like it rough”, “Show me your dirties” and “Sleep with me” are some of the slogans used by the brand.
It is the second time Krzysztof Soroka has faced trial over the image, with a court last year finding him guilty.
His organisation has become known for driving vans with anti-LGBT images and slogans around Polish cities.
The 180-year-old oak, named Fabrykant, in Łódź was crowned as tree of the year at a ceremony in the European Parliament.
Israel last year suspended the trips, accusing the Polish government of trying to “dictate what was and wasn’t allowed to be taught”.
Abortion up to 12 weeks, access to IVF, contraception and sex education in schools are “fundamental rights”, says Tusk.