But the justice minister says the ruling is itself invalid.

But the justice minister says the ruling is itself invalid.
Former justice minister Zbigniew Ziobro is undergoing treatment for cancer.
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“The Germans want a puppet government in Poland,” commented a deputy Polish minister.
The Polish government’s claims are “not true”, says Ylva Johansson.
The facility will produce enough green energy to meet the demand of over 1,200 households.
The state Church Fund subsidises health insurance contributions of clergy and for the renovation of religious buildings.
PiS, PO, Confederation, Third Way and The Left all held events around Poland today.
The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that “Poland was the logistical hub for the Nord Stream blow-up operation”
Images show the amphibious transporters weaving between sunbathing families on the beach.
All main opposition parties – most of whom have leaders who are practising Catholics – support ending the current near-total abortion ban.
Bayer and Henschel are being sued for €4.3 million by the descendants of two Polish businessmen victimised during the German-Nazi occupation.
The European Transport Safety Council praised steps taken by Poland to reduce road deaths.
The ruling party chairman becomes deputy prime minister, a position that he resigned from just one year ago.
The Supreme Audit Office (NIK) has often been in conflict with the government in recent years.