Orlen plans to launch 100 hydrogen stations in Poland and neighbouring countries by 2030 as part of efforts to focus on greener energy.

Orlen plans to launch 100 hydrogen stations in Poland and neighbouring countries by 2030 as part of efforts to focus on greener energy.
The city has launched a website allowing people to check if their car is among those that will now be barred.
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Katarzyna Kojzar
The planned new mines could cause huge environmental damage.
Jakub Wiech
Program odniósł tak wielki sukces, że kończą się w nim środki.
The share of energy produced from coal would drop to 37% by 2030 and 11% by 2040 if the price of EU carbon permits is high.
We must meet requirements “imposed on us by European policy”, says the deputy prime minister.
Jakub Wiech
What are the chances of success for Orlen’s ambitious plans?
But the country is slowly starting to embrace cleaner forms of energy.
Karolina Baca-Pogorzelska
Choć rząd PiS najpierw blokował zielone inwestycje, teraz coraz bardziej je docenia.
Belchatów power station is the EU’s biggest single source of CO2 emissions.