Biedronka, which can still appeal the court’s decision, says it believes the accusations are “wrong”.

Biedronka, which can still appeal the court’s decision, says it believes the accusations are “wrong”.
Around 2.5 million people lived in extreme poverty in Poland in 2023, up 47% on the previous year.
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Avalanche dangers have been declared in many mountain regions, while the Tatra National Park has even banned tourists for the first time ever.
The firm, owned by Portuguese conglomerate Jeronimo Martins, has overtaken longstanding leader Poczta Polska, the state post office.
Poland must boost its gas storage facilities but also upgrade its electricity grid to allow for more supplies from renewable sources.
The Supreme Audit Office accuses Orlen of illegally blocking audits, but Orlen says the audits had no legal basis.
NATO’s current largest relative defence spenders are Greece (3.76%) and the United States (3.47%).
Sales of amantadine boomed in Poland during the pandemic, and it was even recommended by a member of the government.
Reported thefts increased by 13% to 124,000 in 2022 – the second year in a row that the figure has risen from its low of 99,000 in 2020.
“The courts have determined that a woman’s sexual freedom is more important than the life of the abuser who attacked her,” said her lawyer.
“The venerable age of the newly minted doctor proves that retirement can be extremely productive.”
The men were diving in the middle of the night using an unregistered vessel.
The trio accuse Piotr Schab – a key figure in the government’s overhaul of the judiciary – of abusing his powers.
Core inflation, which excludes volatile food and fuel prices, is seen as a more accurate indicator of prices that can be influenced by monetary policy.