Jerzy Owsiak issued the ultimatum after a weeks-long hate campaign against him inspired by the station.

Jerzy Owsiak issued the ultimatum after a weeks-long hate campaign against him inspired by the station.
If found guilty, Jarosław Szymczyk could face years in prison.
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Moscow says it will take “retaliatory measures” that will make Poland “regret the anti-Russian steps” it has taken.
The recording purportedly shows the prosecutor discussing discontinuing legal proceedings against Zbigniew Ziobro.
“We are facing a foreign state that is conducting hostile action on Polish territory,” says the interior minister.
His accusations have been rejected as “nonsense and manipulation” by Ziobro’s party.
But a large majority still identify both as believers (87%) and as belonging to Poland’s dominant Roman Catholic faith (89%).
They are responsible for acts included beatings and arson, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk.
Almost 60% wrongly answered a question on inflation.
The women said that she is the sole caregiver for her four children, two of whom are autistic.
Poland is home to almost 1 million Ukrainian refugees, the second-highest figure in Europe after Germany.
Alicja Ptak
Since joining the EU, Poland has experienced unprecedented growth, from the size of its economy to the length of its motorways.
Poland, Hungary and Slovakia voted against the migration pact.
“I think that the ambassador needs to…realise that we, as Poles, react badly to a patronising tone,” said Radosław Sikorski.