The United States and Poland have launched a new facility in Warsaw that will coordinate efforts to identify and counteract Russian disinformation targeting Ukraine.

“The Kremlin repeatedly uses lies and manipulation to peddle false pretexts for its unjustifiable invasion, obfuscate its war aims, and attempt to fracture worldwide solidarity with the Ukrainian people,” noted the US State Department, announcing the creation of the Ukraine Communications Group (UCG).

“The UCG is designed to counter these deceptive narratives and reinforce honest coverage of Ukraine’s resilience and bravery in the face of Russia’s aggression,” it continued.

“The UCG will bring together like-minded partner governments to coordinate messaging, promote accurate reporting of Russia’s full-scale invasion, amplify Ukrainian voices, and expose Kremlin information manipulation,” added the US State Department.

As well as Poland and the US, the UCG will involve Canada, Finland, France, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Sweden, Ukraine, NATO and the European External Action Service.

Their involvement in the project is “a strong signal of our common determination to continue supporting Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion,” says the Polish foreign ministry, which has provided space for the group to operate in.

Tomasz Chłoń, the Polish foreign ministry’s plenipotentiary for counteracting international disinformation, told Polskie Radio that around a dozen experts permanently based on site will “coordinate communication priorities and the production of audiovisual materials” designed to counteract Russian disinformation.

“These actions will be directed in particular to Africa, Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Western Balkans, where the air is thick with Russian disinformation,” he added.

James Rubin, the head of the US State Department’s Global Engagement Center, noted that establishing the UCG in Warsaw makes sense because of the number of international officials who pass through Poland while travelling in and out of Ukraine, reports the Associated Press.

On Monday, Rubin and Chłoń also signed a memorandum of understanding on strengthening cooperation between Poland and the US on countering foreign state information manipulation.

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Main image credit: Sebastian Indra/MSZ (under CC BY-NC 2.0)

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