South Korean manufacturing conglomerate Samsung will invest around 900 million zloty (€198 million) in expanding production capacity in Poland around its existing facilities in the town of Wronki.
The firm will create a new 40,000 square metre production and warehouse hall and expand its existing refrigerator factory, said Olgierd Bałtaki, director of Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing.
Kolejna firma z Republiki Korei rozwija swoje projekty biznesowe w Polsce. Dziś wizytowałem zakład Samsung we #Wronki. Rozbudowa hal produkcyjno-magazynowych, budowa nowej linii montażowej i zwiększenie mocy produkcyjnych o 30% rocznie to ambitne plany spółki na najbliższe lata.
— Grzegorz Piechowiak (@piechowiakPL) February 3, 2022
It will also, he added, “create an industrial complex in the vicinity of the existing plant in Wronki” that will function as a “household appliances cluster in which the factory’s sub-suppliers will be located”.
The investment, which is scheduled to take place in the period 2022-24, is forecast to increase Samsung’s manufacturing of refrigerators and washing machines in Poland by 30%, from the current 4 million units annually to 5.2 million.
Samsung’s plans have been supported with 86 million zloty in public aid, in the form of a state grant as well as exemption from corporate income tax under Poland’s special economic zone for investments.
“The decision to support investments in Wronki is one of 713 – a record number – that businesses who operate in the Polish Investment Zone received in 2021,” said deputy development minister Grzegorz Piechowiak, referring to last year’s record-breaking number of investments and amount invested.
“This is proof that our country remains one of the most attractive places to do business in the world,” added Piechowiak.
Samsung Electronics Poland Manufacturing in 2009 bought the Wronki manufacturing plant from Polish firm Amica in a 205 million zloty deal. It currently employs over 2,300 people and the new investment is expected to create a further 60 jobs.
Main image credit: Samsung press materials

Daniel Tilles is editor-in-chief of Notes from Poland. He has written on Polish affairs for a wide range of publications, including Foreign Policy, POLITICO Europe, EUobserver and Dziennik Gazeta Prawna.