A man who fled a conviction for a murder committed two decades ago has been arrested after police caught him by chance when stopping him outside a shop for not wearing a face mask. He will now serve a 25-year prison sentence.
The 45-year-old fugitive was detained by officers in Warsaw who were carrying out routine checks on whether people were abiding by the requirement to wear a face mask in shops and other enclosed areas.
“The man was stopped by police in the Bielany district because he did not have a mask,” a police spokeswoman told AFP.
After checking his identification, they realised that they were looking at a man “wanted by the district court for a murder from 20 years ago,” according to a statement from Warsaw police headquarters. The man has been taken to prison, where he will serve the sentence previously issued against him.
In their statement, the police note that they continually check places where fugitives from the law are known to hide out as part of their “Wanted” campaign. This also includes an online database of people the police are looking for.
“The arrest of wanted persons confirms that hiding from the law enforcement authorities never releases you from liability for breaking the law,” the statement concluded.
Face masks are mandatory in all enclosed public spaces in Poland, which includes public transport, schools and entertainment venues as well as shops.
As the government resisted introducing new restrictions amid rising numbers of Covid cases in autumn, it instead emphasised stricter enforcement of mask wearing. Adam Niedzielski, the health minister, asked police chiefs for a “harsher” approach and to fine more people for failure to mask up.
Main image credit: Policja Stołeczna

Ben Koschalka is a translator and senior editor at Notes from Poland. Originally from Britain, he has lived in Kraków since 2005.