PiS called it an attempt by the government to “eliminate the opposition” and “introduce an autocratic system”.

PiS called it an attempt by the government to “eliminate the opposition” and “introduce an autocratic system”.
However, the current government does not recognise the legitimacy of many TK judges, including some of those who issued yesterday’s ruling.
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His words were criticised by the ruling PiS, but also by other opposition groups for entering a “bidding war” with PiS on anti-immigrant rhetoric.
It comes after claims that the government sought to gain influence over the country’s two largest news websites.
PiS, PO, Confederation, Third Way and The Left all held events around Poland today.
The amendments were proposed by the president following EU and US concerns that the commission would be used for political purposes.
Opposition parties accused PiS of exploiting the issue to cover up its failings and boost its ratings ahead of this year’s elections.
“We are here today so that the whole world can see how strong we are and how many of us are ready to fight for democracy,” said Donald Tusk.
Kaczyński claims that foreign forces, especially Germany, are seeking to hinder Poland’s development with the help of Polish collaborators.
PSL’s leader said the agreement would be voluntary but did not answer whether doing so would be a condition for standing on the party’s electoral lists.
PO has also responded to the government’s plans to increase child benefits next year by proposing that the hike happen immediately.
PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński also pledged free medicines for children and seniors as well as abolishing motorway tolls.
“Today, the kings of life are those who drink, beat their children, beat women, and have not disgraced themselves with work for many, many years.”
Tok FM’s editor-in-chief has suggested that the National Broadcasting Council is seeking to “protect the good name of PiS”.