Polls indicate that just over half of the public hold a negative opinion of the work done so far by Poland’s ruling coalition.

Polls indicate that just over half of the public hold a negative opinion of the work done so far by Poland’s ruling coalition.
A businessman linked to Viktor Orbán – an ally of Poland’s opposition – is reportedly seeking to buy TVN.
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Law and Justice (PiS): 35.38%; Civic Coalition (KO): 30.70%; Third Way (Trzecia Droga): 14.40%; The Left (Lewica): 8.61%; Confederation (Konfederacja): 7.16%.
Daniel Tilles
What have we learned from what appears to have been a successful opposition campaign?
The ruling party and its leader have repeatedly emphasised that they have no desire for “Polexit”.
Donald Tusk wants to make make Poland dependent on Germany, claims Mateusz Morawiecki.
There had been speculation as to whether Tusk would attend given that the station is under government influence.
Stanisław Żaryn claims that Donald Tusk is seeking to “manipulate” his followers into believing that defeat at elections could only come if the government falsifies the result.
Opposition-controlled city hall claimed it is “the largest demonstration in the history of Warsaw”.
Among the plans are doubling the tax-free income threshold, overturning the near-total ban on abortion and raising salaries for public-sector employees.
Roman Giertych, who founded and led the nationalist All-Polish Youth and was once an ally of Jarosław Kaczyński, will now stand for the opposition.
Politicians and media linked to Poland’s ruling party say Tusk’s remarks prove the EU is using the rule of law as a pretext to change the government in Warsaw.
Bogusław Wołoszański reportedly spied on fellow Poles abroad and in one case reported a colleague’s homosexuality to their superiors.
Farmers’ protest leader Michał Kołodziejczak must be “an idiot or an agent”, says the prime minister.