The health and education ministers have sent a letter to parents to encourage them to vaccinate their kids.

The health and education ministers have sent a letter to parents to encourage them to vaccinate their kids.
Hospitals report that Covid wards are full and that they are lacking medical staff.
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It will also function as a shop allowing customers to “test” sports equipment for a fee.
Recordings of paramedics in Warsaw reveal how hospitals are turning away patients
Gyms and pools will also close.
The Catholic episcopate has faced criticism over the image.
“Only through a calm, responsible approach” can “we slow the growth in infections and avoid a second lockdown”, says the prime minister.
Paweł Marczewski
The coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated structural problems in Polish education.
Poland today recorded its highest ever coronavirus death toll.
The development will “not adversely affect the proper functioning of the government”, says a spokesman.
The health ministry assures that there are still plenty of available beds and ventilators.
In some areas, bars and restaurants will have to close at 10 pm and masks be worn outside.
Flights with Spain will be able to resume under the proposal
Today’s figure of 1,538 broke yesterday’s record of 1,136.