It took place at an ecumenical service involving Catholic and Protestant clergy to mark International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

It took place at an ecumenical service involving Catholic and Protestant clergy to mark International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.
In one case, he allegedly argued that no abuse had taken place because “it was just groping”.
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The church initially treated the victim as an “accomplice in the sin of adultery” during an ecclesiastical trial that found the priest not guilty.
“We live in a time of increasing aggression towards people who have the courage to admit their faith,” says Zbigniew Ziobro.
The development comes as the number of newly ordained priests and students joining seminaries has been falling.
“We must be counter-revolutionaries” against the “putrid, anti-religious activities” of the West, says Przemysław Czarnek.
Poland’s Catholic episcopate has summarised the results of consultations with around 100,000 parishioners across the country.
Bishop Marek Mendyk says the claims are “lies” and has demanded a public apology.
“I say this as a Christian…Can you vote for lies, theft, contempt and hatred?” Tusk asked PiS supporters.
The nuns allegedly tied children to beds, locked them in cages, and beat them with a mop on a daily basis.
Since 2016, Poles’ trust in NATO, the army and the EU has risen significantly, but fallen for church, police and constitutional court.
The city’s mayor hopes that other church-owned green spaces could also soon be opened to the public.
The Polish Scouting Association last month decided to allow scouts to swear an oath without mentioning God.
Two deputy justice ministers today unveiled plans to toughen Poland’s blasphemy laws.