One of the leaders was also acquitted of insulting a police officer and of publicly praising the crime of vandalising churches.

One of the leaders was also acquitted of insulting a police officer and of publicly praising the crime of vandalising churches.
The judge argued that the woman had “an interest in portraying herself as a victim” to gain compensation and media attention.
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The church’s position – which is contradicted by leading medical bodies – has been rejected by reproductive rights organisations in Poland.
“Civic Coalition does not support” late-term abortion, one of its leaders made clear.
Poland’s highest medical council has criticised the police’s behaviour and called for an investigation.
“Is this still Poland or already Gilead?” asked an opposition MP.
The pharmacist argued that dispensing emergency contraception would violate her conscience.
“The most important message is that, if there is a threat to a woman’s health and life, the pregnancy should be terminated.”
All main opposition parties – most of whom have leaders who are practising Catholics – support ending the current near-total abortion ban.
The proposals include abortion on demand, changing the legal definition of rape, and paid menstrual leave from work.
But the conservative authorities say the death was caused by medical malpractice, not the abortion law.
Women’s rights groups have blamed the woman’s death on Poland’s near-total ban on abortion but officials say it was medical malpractice.
Around 1,000 cases relating to Poland’s near-total abortion ban have been submitted to the European Court of Human Rights.
“PO has already turned so far to the left, gradually, that our paths have finally diverged,” said Bogusław Sonik today.