Prime Minister Donald Tusk says the opposition should be “ashamed” of Karol Nawrocki’s views.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk says the opposition should be “ashamed” of Karol Nawrocki’s views.
Alicja Ptak and Christiaan Paauwe
Donald Tusk’s government has failed to fulfil its pledge to end the near-total abortion ban.
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The group wants to return to the rules from before the controversial constitutional court decision.
Tusk faces a number of hurdles in his aim to introduce abortion on demand.
The head of the episcopate warns that “one must never comply with…laws that allow the direct murder of innocent human beings”.
But the prime minister admits that his more conservative coalition partners may not support it.
She had to travel abroad to terminate her foetus, which had been diagnosed with Down syndrome.
The crime that carries a prison sentence of up to three years.
Daniel Tilles
Polling suggests most Poles do not support the idea.
Izabela passed away in hospital after doctors reportedly waited for her foetus to die before removing it.
One would end the near-total abortion ban and introduce abortion on demand; the other decriminalise helping women obtain abortions.
Mateusz Morawiecki claims he “he has always been a supporter” of the previous abortion law.
Her detention three years ago prompted protests from fellow journalists and international press organisations.
Assisting a woman unlawfully terminate her pregnancy is a crime in Poland that can carry up to three years in prison.