They criticised the government’s plans to liberalise the abortion law, introduce same-sex civil partnerships and expand hate-speech rules.

They criticised the government’s plans to liberalise the abortion law, introduce same-sex civil partnerships and expand hate-speech rules.
Agata Pyka
Contrary to Polish media reports, the Dutch parliament did not pass any such new law
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Marta L. could face up to eight years in prison.
The Left has called for the decriminalisation of helping women obtain abortions.
Hospitals have begun to cancel planned terminations.
The government is finally publishing last year’s ruling introducing a near-total ban on abortion.
Children can produce songs, poems or films with pro-life themes.
Our most popular article from each month of a memorable year.
The MP is accused of the crimes of “offending religious feelings” and “maliciously interfering with a religious act”.
Aleks Szczerbiak
The ruling party has dipped in the polls, but the damage may not last.
Anti-abortion groups display such images in cities around Poland, resulting in a number of legal challenges.
One opposition MP was pepper sprayed while showing police her parliamentary ID.
Florian Bayer
We speak with Marta Lempart, the leader of Women’s Strike.
The constitutional court’s abortion ruling has still not been published, amid reports of splits in the ruling camp over the issue.