The horse was returned to its owner and the thief may now face up to 5 years in prison.

The horse was returned to its owner and the thief may now face up to 5 years in prison.
However, to become law the bill must be signed by President Andrzej Duda.
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Activists point out that Kashubian is an official regional language.
The threat appears to have encouraged debtors to pay up, with 3-4 new settlements per week.
An anti-abortion ruling and revelations of clerical sex abuse appear to have contributed to the trend.
The building dates back to the 18th century, serving the Tatar Muslims who have lived in the area for 600 years.
The MP is accused of the crimes of “offending religious feelings” and “maliciously interfering with a religious act”.
Szymon Pifczyk
The differences reflect Poland’s complex history and regional diversity.
The most common reason for remaining in Poland over the holidays was to work.
Katarzyna Kojzar
The planned new mines could cause huge environmental damage.
A parish in Tarnów acquired land illegally taken from its rightful owner, a Holocaust survivor.
Edyta Gawron
The former Nazi German concentration camp in Kraków featured in the film Schindler’s List.
The data reflect some global trends but also certain specifically Polish interests.
Paweł Wiejski
Environmental, political and business interests are at stake.