It risks undermining the confidence of foreign investors as well as the “common values and interests” of Poland and the United States, said the ambassador.

It risks undermining the confidence of foreign investors as well as the “common values and interests” of Poland and the United States, said the ambassador.
Andrzej Duda accused the government of violating procedures and endangering Poland’s preparation for an upcoming NATO summit.
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The “Anti-crisis Shield 4.0” is the fourth such package to cushion coronavirus economic fallout.
A roundup of campaign news, including Trzaskowski’s memory failure and free fire trucks for small communities.
Stanley Bill talks to political scientist Ben Stanley about the campaign, the candidates, and the wider consequences of the presidential vote.
Stanley Bill
The former journalist and TV presenter answers questions about his policies and plans for the presidency.
TVP has repeatedly linked Trzaskowski to Soros, “LGBT ideology” and Jewish restitution claims.
A German MP says it is “morally and politically unacceptable” that his country is rejecting Polish compensation demands.
Daniel Tilles
Why has this issue suddenly reappeared and how will it impact the election?
“It is very sad in modern Europe” to see “a politician targeting minorities to achieve political goals”, says a European Commission vice president.
The bishop compared the prime minister and health minister to the Evangelists.
Tom Junes
The regime saw rock as a way to contain revolt, not incite it.
President Andrzej Duda has unveiled a set of election pledges to support families.
Seven EU member states say they wikk not accept compulsory relocation of migrants within the EU.